To charter school or not to charter school? This is the question I am most frequently asked. Charter schools can be a beneficial option for your child but that being said, no two are the same. Just like no two children are the same. Each charter school is unique in their offerings and requirements. Some charter schools offer full time, in person classes, like a regular brick and mortar, neighborhood, public school. Other charter schools only offer online school. Some provide funding and teacher support so that you have the benefit of instructional funds to pay for classes and curriculum of your choice for your child. There are even charter schools that offer hybrid programs so your child can go to school part time and homeschool part time.
Is a Charter School Right for my Child?
Only you know your child’s needs and can make the best decision. At Your School House, we recommend that you do your homework when it comes to charter schools. Even though a few charter schools may appear to have the same offerings and requirements, usually there is more to the story. Ask very detailed questions about what the school requires in terms of compliance. Some independent study charter schools can be stifling due to the oppressive compliance requirements. A mistake parents often make is to enroll their children in any open independent study charter school that is accepting new students and then end up unhappy with the outcome. Talking to other homeschool families in your community to find out their experiences is a great way to gather information. Other homeschool families can be a wealth of knowledge about their personal experiences with local independent study charters.

Is a Charter School Right for my Child?
All charter schools that I am aware of require standardized testing a few times a year. If standardized testing is not something you are willing to have your child do, it is probably best to go independently otherwise you might be pushing against a brick wall all year. It could be a frustrating year for everyone involved and not worth it.
Curriculum could also be a tipping point for when making the big charter school decision. Many charter schools require the students to use a secular curriculum. This doesn’t mean you cannot use a religious curriculum independently of the charter school. It just means that the school work your child does for the charter school, needs to be from a secular curriculum. Some independent study charters allow you to choose your secular curriculum but many have a predetermined curriculum or menu of curriculum options for your child to use.
Am I required to Enroll in a Charter School?
What do I do if I don’t want to enroll in a charter school? That is the second question I am most frequently asked. I hear you! It is sometimes challenging to find the right option and you might feel freer about going it solo. Fortunately, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. You must check your state’s requirements to be sure that you are filing the appropriate paperwork, if your state requires it. Usually the paperwork is very simple. Here is a link to the homeschool laws and requirements by state from the Home Legal Defense website.
The key to remember is that there is no right or wrong answer to the charter school question. Do what works for your child and your family and ignore the noise. I have enrolled my children in a few different charter schools in the past and one currently. There are some charter schools I would never enroll my children in but that doesn’t mean that they may not be an option for your family. If you have any questions about charters, please feel free to reach out and our team will do our best to help you.