Academic Advantage
Parents often ask what they can do to give their child a boost academically. They are often looking for that new app or tutor that will really give their child an academic advantage. Although there are many great academic learning apps and talented tutors, the answer is neither. The number one way to advance a child academically is to read to the child, regularly. No one wants to hear that because it isn’t as easy as putting their child on an app or allocating funds towards a tutor, but the best things in life are free. The best education a parent can give their child is also free, but for now let’s stick to the power of a read aloud for this post. The significance of a read aloud is more than parents can comprehend. It is too easy and too cheap so there must be something better, right? The truth is that this age old advice is still the most relevant academic recommendation that anyone can give you. Let us delve into the “why.”

Love of Reading
First, when you are close to your child and reading a high interest book, the universe stops turning for those minutes. The world suddenly transforms into another universe, and there is nowhere else anyone needs to be. Not only are you sharing the experience with your child and making lasting memories, but you are also funneling knowledge, language, vocabulary, imagery, adventure, and style, all while stimulating your child’s imagination. By making reading time sacred and consistent, you will also promote literacy development and a love of reading. Furthermore, reading aloud can also help to promote empathy and understanding in your child. Through exposure to different characters and situations in the stories you read together, your child will learn valuable life lessons and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Your child will also be developing listening skills, memory, and attention skills, which are all critical aspects of future academic success. The key is to read to your child a level or two above their reading or language level so that your child’s language and vocabulary acquisition will sky rocket. The number one indicator of intelligence is vocabulary per educational psychology pioneers.

Create a Routine
Regardless of your child’s school setting, there is no substitute for reading aloud. Establish a daily routine, devoting thirty minutes to an hour. If you have multiple children, include them all together for the read aloud, making it a cherished and memorable experience. Sally Clarkson illustrates how to do this perfectly in her book, Awakening Wonder. Find a time when everyone will be home. Many families choose bedtime, but make sure to get started early enough where everyone will not be asleep in a few minutes. Some families read right after dinner, while everyone is still at the dining table. Another idea is to take the book to the park and set a blanket under a shady tree. There are endless ways to do this, but the key is to make it special, enjoyable, and significant.

Tips for Success
Choose a read aloud that will keep your audience engaged, through a high interest and quality selection. Classics are perfect, but not necessary as long as the books are excellent. Do some research to make sure the book is an award winner. You don’t want to read average books or books without high level vocabulary or imagery. And once again, choose a book that is above your child’s reading level.
As you are reading, follow these tips for success;
1. Stop frequently to check for understanding.
2. If you notice words that your child may not know, give an explanation of the meaning and keep reading. The more your child hears these words, they will begin to acquire the language and make it their own.
3. Let your child ask questions. It is okay to go off on tangents that lead to discovering new things. This is what makes reading together so fun and thought provoking.